Green Wall Repair
Location: Scotland, South Africa
Client: Stena Drilling
The Stena Carron required emergency repairs offshore as a result of cracks found in the hull and bulwark structure. DF Barnes was recommended by DNV as being the best suited company to carry out the structural repairs. A repair proposal was drafted by DF Barnes and within 5 days of the document submittal the team along with all materials and equipment was mobilized onboard the vessel. The work was completed during the transit from Newfoundland to Aberdeen, duration of project was 24 days and consumed more than 8,000 man-hours. The project was completed on time, safely and within budget.
One year later, Stena Drilling requested that DF Barnes mobilize another team to complete the same type of repairs on the Carron’s sister ship Stena Forth, this project involved sailing from Cape town Africa to Trinidad. Again the project was completed on time, safely and within budget.